-- Pest Library --

Elm Seed Bug

Elm Seed Bug Description

Elm Seed Bugs are about 1/3 inch long, with an alternating red and black pattern outside of their wings. Behind the head they have a triangle segment.

Life Cycle & Reproduction

Based on European literature and Idaho collection records, experts believe that elm seed bugs have a single generation yearly. They overwinter as adults inside buildings and outdoors under tree bark, stacked firewood, leaf litter, and other protected places. When temperatures warm in the spring, adults mate and lay eggs on developing elm seeds. By early July, mixed populations of young nymphs, latestage nymphs, and summer adults occur in residential landscapes, where their activity continues through August. Nymphs and adults feed with piercing-sucking mouthparts on elm seeds (including on the Siberian elm, Ulmus pumila). They also suck sap from the veins of elm leaves.


Idaho is the perfect environment for Elm Seed Bugs to thrive, unfortunately. They feed on sap from elm seeds and leaves, which does not actually damage the tree. They can often be found congregating in warm areas, sometimes on structures like houses.

If they perceive a threat, they emit an unpleasant odor. Another negative to having them around your property is that they often stain surfaces with fecal matter. Sol Pest Control can get rid of elm seed bugs for you, with a guarantee.

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